Although the Summer Term is just around the corner, those who ran The Russell earlier this month may not have felt that shirt sleeved order will be announced any time soon. Read more about this year's race here if you haven’t already; it certainly was a muddy one!

Out of the rain, it has been wonderful to welcome back Old Blundellians to the school as part of the careers and higher education programme, culminating in a packed schedule of events over National Careers Week.

It has been a real privilege to listen to OBs talk to current pupils about life after Blundell’s and what they have achieved in their careers. For pupils to listen to members of the community talk about their lives is incredibly valuable. If you would like to find out more about how you can get involved, feel free to contact me at;

With the cricket season fast approaching, the OB Box at Somerset Cricket Club is hosting a Community Open Day on Sunday, 21 April. It is a wonderful venue and a day I am looking forward to. If you are interested in attending, please click here.

As always, if you would like to get in touch, think there is anything relevant we should hear about, or if you’d like to plan a reunion, then please let us know. We are keen to support. Email:

Tom Cowle
Director of Development

Popham Post Moving Forward

We just wanted to let you know that moving forward we have decided to send out the Popham Post every term.

SAVE THE DATE - Blundell's Fest 2024 on
Friday, 28th June from 4-8pm

Our Blundell's Community is warmly invited to save the date for our annual 'Blundell's Festival' on 28th June from 3pm to 7pm.

Blundell’s Fest is an afternoon jam-packed with music, art, entertainment, and performances. This family-fun event is open to the Blundell’s Community.

What to expect? Delicious local street food, live music, cash bar, graffiti workshops, zorb football, inflatables, henna, face-painting, coconut shy, samba band, BMX stunt biker- and more to be confirmed!
Artists & Inspirational Speakers wanted: ACTION - We are still in need of performers, artists, entertainers and inspirational speakers. Please do let us know if you, or someone you know, might be a great addition to this line-up.
Sponsorship ARE YOU A BUSINESS OWNER? Want to gain some coverage at this Blundellian event? With anticipated numbers at 2k throughout the day, it’s a great way to get exposure to our community while supporting a school you love. Packages start at £50 up to £200.

Contact -

Celebrating 50 Years of Girls at Blundell's - We Need Your Help

As we prepare to mark 50 years of girls at Blundell’s School next year, we need your help to make these celebrations unforgettable! Share your cherished memories, timeless photos and precious memorabilia with us to celebrate this historic milestone. Whether or not you were one of the original sixth former girls in the 70s and 80s, or whether you were with us much more recently, we would love to hear from you! Your contributions will enrich our existing archive collection and help us create a commemorative exhibition that reflects the remarkable journey of girls at the school over the past half century.

Please send all submissions to by August 2024.

The photo above shows Arabella Ashworth, our first girl, with Head Master, Clive Gimson in 1975.

Virtual Exhibition: ‘Echoes of Eternity: 17th Century Blundell’s’

This term’s virtual exhibition is entitled ‘Echoes of Eternity: 17th Century Blundell’s’ and examines seventeenth century materials that are held within the archive and what they show us about the early history of the school. Based on a recent talk given at the Uffculme History Society it can be found here for you to enjoy.

OB's We Need Your Help

Can you please help Toby Luther, he is trying to track down OB Andrew Thomas (P 1973-78).
"I was at Mount House School (now Mount Kelly Prep) from 1968-73 and during that time an Andrew Thomas joined the school and later went on to Blundell's (I'm assuming '73 but it could have been a year either way)." Please email if you are able to help.

Calling all Japanese Blundellians

Some EAL students were recently enjoying a session in the Archives and were looking for the first students from their various home countries in the registers. We found out that the first Japanese students began arriving in 1984 – and as part of the forty year celebrations later this year we would love to be in touch with as many Japanese Blundellians as possible. The students would love to know what you are doing now and to hear your memories of Blundell’s over the past four decades. As one of our current Japanese students said in the workshop, ‘I am just amazed that there was another Japanese boy walking around where I’m walking around forty years ago! I feel like part of a long tradition!’. If you are one of our Japanese alumni or are still in touch with any of them, and would like to share any memories or photographs, please be in touch with the school archivist Catherine Flavelle (

Group photo - North Close - 1984 - with Keiji Takeichi, who was our first Japanese student

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Are your details up to date? Perhaps you've moved house or changed your email address. 
Please fill in your details so we can stay in touch.

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Donate Today

If you benefited from your experiences at Blundell's & would like to help others to do so too, consider the PBFA fund. 


Gift In Your Will

A legacy to the Blundell's is one of the most meaningful and enduring gifts you can make.

Find Out More

Corporate Sponsorship

Sponsorship opportunities are available for a variety of our events. Click the button below to view all the packages available.


Best Wishes from The Development Office, Old Blundellian Club & Archives

Tom Cowle  (W 1991-96), Director of Development

Linda Bulpin, Development Coordinator

Katie Kogler (NC 2003-2010), Events Coordinator

Catherine Flavelle, Archivist

Janet Wooff (GH 1980-82), Old Blundellian Club Secretary

Development Office
Phone: 01884 232324

The Old Blundellian Club
Phone: 01884 232010

Phone: 01884 232420


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Blundell's School - Tiverton, Devon - EX16 4DN - UK -

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