OB Club Rules


The Club shall be called "The Old Blundellian Club" and shall consist of the President, Vice-President and Members.


The Club exists to:

  1. Maintain and foster the association of Old Blundellians
  2. Bringing them together in as many ways as possible
  3. Keep them informed about fellow Old Blundellians
  4. Maintain links and to foster relationships between the Old Blundellian Club, Old Blundellians, the School and the wider Blundell’s community e.g. Friends of the School.
  5. Promote the interests of the School to enhancement its future.
  6. Work for the greater good of the Blundell’s community as a whole.


  1. The following shall automatically be entitled to membership of the Old Blundellian Club and shall be included in the Register of Members unless they indicate that they wish to resign their membership:-
    1. All former pupils of the School who have completed not less than one term.
    2. All current and former Governors who have served for not less than one complete term.
    3. All staff (whether academic or otherwise) who have served for not less than one complete term.
    1. The Committee may propose for Honorary Membership of the Club such person(s) who, in the opinion of the Committee, merits membership by virtue of their service to or connection with the School or the Club.
    2. Any such proposal for membership shall be put to the A.G.M. and shall be approved by a majority of not less than two-thirds of members attending and entitled to vote.
    1. Any member whose conduct brings discredit to the name of the Club or the School may have his/her name removed from the list of Members.
    2. Any such decision to remove the name of a member from the Register of Members shall only be taken by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the membership of the Committee attending the meeting considering the proposal and only after the member in question has been:-
      1. informed in writing of the intention of the Committee to consider removing his/her name from the Register of Members and
      2. notified of the conduct complained of and
      3. given the opportunity to explain to the Committee in person or in writing why it should not remove his/her name from the Register of Members.


The committee may by a majority of those present resolve that a member should become a Vice President of the Club. Such a proposal shall be made at a General Meeting of the Club and shall be carried only by a majority of two-thirds of those present at such a meeting.


The Club shall at all times, within the limits of the Rules, co-operate with the School and with the Peter Blundell Society.


(1.1) The Officers of the Club shall be:

  1. President
  2. Chairman
  3. Honorary Secretary
  4. Honorary Treasurer


  1. The Officers referred to in paragraph (1.1) above shall each be elected at a General meeting of the Club by a majority of those present and
  2. shall serve for a period of not more than 7 years but may be elected for further periods of 7 years

(1.3) In the event that any officer of the Club referred to in this paragraph shall cease to hold office for any reason then the Committee may by a majority of those present at a properly constituted meeting of the committee appoint a replacement who shall serve until the next general meeting of the Club.

(1.4) Nominations for election to the position of any Officer falling to be filled shall be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary by no later than 56 days before the date of the General meeting at which the election is to be considered and shall be supported by not less than four other members. The written consent of the person nominated shall also be provided.

(2) Committee

(2.1) The Committee shall consist of

  1. Not more than 15 members elected at a General meeting of the Club together with
  2. The Officers of the Club referred to in paragraph (1) above together with
  3. Ex-officio the Headmaster/mistress
  4. Not more than 1 representative nominated by each of the approved clubs and/or societies affiliated to the Club
  5. Such additional person or persons as the Committee may from time to time and for such period as the committee thinks fit co-opt.

(2.2) A member of the Committee shall be elected at an A.G.M. for a period of five years and, at the end of each such period, may be elected for further periods of five years.

(2.3) Membership of the Committee shall so far as is practicable reflect fully the entire age range of membership of the Club. In order to achieve this aim the Committee shall use its best endeavours to ensure, when making proposals to a General meeting of the Club for election to membership of the Committee, that the Committee comprises

  1. at least one member who attended the School in each preceding ten decades and
  2. members covering the various activities of the Club and regional functions, with individual members either fully or partially responsible for particular activities or events.

(2.4) The role of the Committee shall be to manage the affairs of the Club, to identify and implement means by which the Objects of the Club can be achieved and to create groups of Old Blundellians willing and able to pursue the objectives of the Club both separately and corporately.

(2.5) The Committee shall from time to time appoint from within their number a Chairman who shall serve as Chairman of the Committee and the Club.

(2.6) Nominations for election to membership of the Committee shall be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary by no later than 14 days before the date of the General meeting at which the election is to be considered and shall be supported by not less than two other members. The written consent of the person nominated shall also be provided.

(2.7) A quorum for a meeting of the Committee shall be five members.


This meeting shall be held on such date as the Committee in its absolute discretion thinks fit but without fettering the discretion of the Committee, the Committee shall endeavour to hold the AGM on O.B.Day every year.


  1. A special meeting of the Committee shall be convened by the Honorary Secretary within fourteen days of receipt of a written application by five Committee Members and shall be held within 28 days of being convened.
  2. A special general meeting of the Club shall only be called by a majority vote of the members of the Committee attending the meeting at which the proposal for a special general meeting is discussed.


  1. Not less than 28 days notice in writing of the date, time and place of the Annual General Meeting and of any Special General shall be given to all members of the Club.
  2. The notice required by the preceding paragraph may be given by the placing of the appropriate announcement on the Old Blundellian section of the Blundell's website.


The amount of the subscription(s) shall be such sum as the Committee may from time to time resolve and may be annual or life.


  1. The independently audited accounts shall be presented at the A.G.M. each year.
  2. The Committee may, whenever necessary, raise funds in support of any purpose within the Objects of the Club as referred to in these Rules.


The colours of the Club shall be red, white and black. The Shield shall be of the heraldic design (i.e. five sections).


Amendments to these Rules shall only be made by a two-thirds majority decision of those present and voting at the A.G.M or at a Special Meeting. Proposals for such amendments must be received by the (Honorary) Secretary no later than six weeks before the date of the General Meeting at which the proposed amendments are to be considered.