Obituary Walter Clifton
Born Walter Adolf Cohen on 26th February 1924, in Germany, he was the son of a Jewish merchant. When the Nazi persecution of Jews was raging, his parents sought a way of sending him to England. He came to Blundell's, and Mr French, housemaster of Petergate, persuaded the Governors to waive his fees at the School. After the war he learnt that his parents and many of his relatives had been exterminated by the Nazis. In 1947 he emigrated to America, changed his name to Clifton, and became a successful businessman.
He contacted the school archivist, Mike Sampson, in 2008, who subsequently wrote an article on Walter which appeared in The Blundellian in 2009, p 141. He was at Petergate 1938-40, part of which time he was interned with other 'enemy aliens' on the Isle of Man.
(Edited from some words provided by Mike Sampson)