Obituary William Hammond Smith

William Hammond Smith (SH 1932-37) died 24th February 2008.  Below is a copy of some kind words written by one of his oldest friends:

Memories of William Hammond Smith

Born 4 November 1918 – Died 24 February 2008

Bill was up at Cambridge at Sydney Sussex College.

During the Second World War he served in Burma and used to say that it was during this time his hearing was damaged.

He loved skiing – his enthusiasm usually exceeding his skill – I remember him once turning down a very steep mountain slope in Austria and somersaulting to the bottom.  He then got up, shaking off the snow and waving cheerfully!

He was a very good cook, and really enjoyed entertaining. A delicious feast was often presented with a disclaimer such as: “I’m afraid we’ve only got single cream today”.

He was an excellent photographer and was much in demand at his friends’ weddings. He loved music, opera, the ballet and had a splendid record collection including works by Mozart, Wagner and Elgar.

He lived most of his adult life in Chelsea – Tedworth Square, Radnor Walk and then Thamesbrook and was a familiar figure to be seen walking down the King’s Road. He was PCC secretary at Christ Church in the days of Prebendary Piachaud.

He made friends wherever he went. Towards the end of his life he wintered in Spain or some other warm southern climate and resurfaced in London in the Spring. We will all miss him!

Elizabeth (Izzy) Witts, 27-02-2008