
Development Office (Foundation) news is now featured in the Blundell’s Diary, which is published twice a year. In the sections below, the most recent issues of the Blundell's Diary and Prep School Review (presented in PDF format) appear at the top left.

[ Blundell's Diary | Prep School Review | Popham Post | Pictorial | How to get The Blundellian ]

Blundell's Diary


Prep School Review


Popham Post

The Development Office communicates with our Community via a monthly online e-newsletter called the ‘Popham Post.’ These are sent on the first Friday of the month with a summary of Development Office & Old Blundellian news, announcements and event details.

If you do not currently receive the Popham Post, please update your email by contacting the Development Office or by logging into your Blundell’s Alumni Account.

The termly Diary is also sent to our Community and you can update your preference to receive the diary either via email or hard copy by contacting the Development Office or by following this link.

Tel: 01884 232324; Email:

Popham Post2024-25


Pictorial (discontinued)

Year Month of publication Title of file (PDF*) Size of file
2000 February pictorial_2000-02.pdf 1.9 MB
2001 June pictorial_2001-06.pdf 3.8 MB
2002 January pictorial_2002-01.pdf 2.0 MB
2002 October pictorial_2002-10.pdf 2.8 MB
2003 October pictorial_2003-10.pdf 3.1 MB
2004 November pictorial_2004-11.pdf 10.9 MB
2005 November pictorial_2005-11.pdf 3.2 MB
2006 November pictorial_2006-11.pdf 3.7 MB

* PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Please click here to download it.

These newsletter files are quite large and will take a while to
download if you do not have broadband Internet access.

The BlundellianHow to get hold of a copy

The Blundellian, the school’s annual magazine, is published in the first part of the Autumn term each year and provides an overview of the previous academic year. It includes photographs and features of an array of school life.

If you would like your own edition, please contact the Development Office on 01884 232262 for a copy; cheques payable to the Development Office at £20 per copy.